Saturday, 13 October 2018

twenty-seven word review of 'rod hull: a bird in the hand'

Emigration, non-speaking ventriloquism, violence, Jim Badger the producer; infidelity and death; reading this documentary and Yalom’s Existential Psychotherapy in the light of one another disrespects neither text.

N.B. As this is a light-hearted documentary made during the seven years following its release, Air’s Moon Safari is used for some of the background music – a statutory requirement under U.K. broadcasting legislation, since lapsed.

Documentary available in full on youtube (click here) - existential overtones, Moon Safari and all. 

twenty-seven word story, dedicated to knott's four-figure mathematical tables (no longer selling so well)

Friends, retro-obsessed hipster mathematicians, are having an excerpt from some four-figure mathematical tables read when they tie the Knott - a sine their love will grow (exponentially).

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

'writers unchained', this sunday 7:30pm, southbank club, bristol bs3 1db

If you could visit the late 1970s by way of an ATOL-accredited package tour, *would* you?

You can hear me read my new time travel story, 'Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind' - and hear some other amazing work by local writers (drama, passion, sensitivity, laffs) at Writers Unchained this Sunday.

(You can always watch Dr. Who on catch-up).